
Monday, September 10 (Georgia Tech Global Learning Center (GLC))
Start End First Name Last Name Affiliation Title of Presentation
8:50 9:00 OPENING REMARKS   
9:00 9:25 Yasuhiro Koike Keio University Future High-Speed Plastic Optical Fiber Network – “Capillary of Light”
9:25 9:45 Josef Faller Homefibre digital network GmbH Towards an all IP-Network following the requirement of the full integrated IP-Home Network and with full integration of all kinds of ECO-systems – INVITED
9:45 10:00 Coffee Break   
10:00 10:15 Philipp Rietasch Teleconnect GmbH omniPOF – A new concept for a universal home networking solution
10:15 10:30 Thomas Dittrich Zaft at University of Applied Scieneces Dresden CoolPOF – Improving the energy efficiency of OFDM based POF media converters using new communication standards
10:30 10:45 Tetsuya Toma Keio University A study on 40Gbps GI-POF Interface for 4K3D video transmission
10:45 11:00 Iwane Maida Keio University A study on influence of monitoring delay using simplified operation model for remote surgery
11:00 11:20 Jonathan McKendry University of Strathclyde A study on influence of monitoring delay using simplified operMicro-pixellated light-emitting diodearrays: novel sources for data transmission over POF – INVITED
11:20 11:40 Markus Wirsing Avago Technologies Optical transceivers for today’s and next generation POF systems – INVITED
11:50 1:15 Lunch      
1:15 1:35 Whitney White Chromis Fiberoptics Products and Technologies for Commercial Deployment of Gigabit POF Networks – INVITED
1:35 1:50 Sophia Moehl Technische Universität Braunschweig Materials for polymer optical fiber amplifiers
1:50 2:05 Ami Takahashi Keio University Fluorination effects on attenuation spectra of polystyrene- based optical fiber materials
2:05 2:25 Coffee Break   
2:25 2:45 Seiji Sasho Asahi Kasei Thinner image guide with improved resolution -  INVITED
2:45 3:00 Ryusuke Suzuki Keio University Optical transmission bandwidth of poly(methyl methacrylate)- based graded-index optical fibers with microscopic heterogeneities
3:00 3:15 Yuki Sato Keio University Fabrication of high thermostability graded index plastic optical fiber
3:15 3:30 Kazuki Nakamura Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd Development of the flame-retardant POF cable and its technology
3:30 3:50 Coffee Break   
3:50 4:05 Atsushi Kondo Keio University Binary amorphous copolymers based graded index polymer optical fiber
4:05 4:20 Katrin Welikow Warsaw University of Technology Polymer microstructured fibers with limited modal dispersion and bending losses for application in FTTH networks
4:20 4:40 Ann Mescher University of Washington Step-Index polymer fiber manufactured from PMMA / CO2 composite materials  - INVITED
4:40 5:15 Break      
5:15 7:00 Javier Mateo Universidad de Zaragoza Connector misalignment matrix model
    Yosuke Mizuno Tokyo Institute of Technology Brillouin gain spectrum characterization in POF fabricated by different manufacturers at 1.32 and 1.55 μm
    Philipp Rietzsch Teleconnect GmbH Passive Optical Network – A new architecture for POF based home networks
    Hans-Hermann Johannes Technische Universität Braunschweig POF fabrication for fiber amplifiers
    Ulrich Fischer-Hirchert Harz University of Applied Sciences Injection molded coupler for POF-systems
    Roman Kruglov POF-AC, Univ. of Applied Sciences Scattering properties of 1-mm large-core GI-POF
    Roman Kruglov POF-AC, Univ. of Applied Sciences Experimental and theoretical steps to understand side-emitting fibers
    Olaf Ziemann POF-AC, Univ. of Applied Sciences Sollektor goes hybrid
    Olaf Ziemann POF-AC, Univ. of Applied Sciences Some remarks on POF flammability issues
    Mario Wendt BAM Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing Using optical POF switches for distributed fiber optical strain measurements
    Paulo Antunes University of Aveiro / Instituto de Telecomunicações Optical method for the concrete curing process monitoring with plastic optical fibers
    Olaf Ziemann POF-AC, Univ. of Applied Sciences Fiber-ribbon sensor for measuring mechanical displacement and long-term crack monitoring
    Kimio Oguchi Seikei University Star type home backbone network by star couplers
    Carmen Vázquez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Short-range transmission capacity analysis over PF GIPOFs
    Amaia Berganza University of the Basque Country Coupling Losses in SI-MCPOFs due to rotational misalignment
    Eneko Arrospide University of the Basque Country Observation of Berry’s phase using microstructured POF
    Kotaro Koike Keio University Fluoropolymers for high temperature resistant GI POFs
    Teruyuki Taniguchi Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd The potential of the high speed optical link with PCP GI-POF in the house
    Sriharsha Kota Pavan Georgia Institute of Technology Simulation of POF MMF links; noise, ISI and equalization
    Kenji Makino Keio University Polystyrene based graded index plastic optical fiber with low loss and high bandwidth for premise network
    Ion Lopez CTA Aeronautical Technologies Centre, Spain Characterization of a POF sensor under vibration, fatigue loads and temperature conditions
    Mauro Lomer Cantabria University Speckle patterns obtained in plastic optical fibers for sensing applications
    Mauro Lomer Cantabria University Plastic optical fiber sensor for measuring arterial pulse
    Inaki Bikandi University of the Basque Country Spectral analysis of scattered light in plastic optical fibers by side-illumination technique
    Yosuke Mizuno Tokyo Institute of Technology Simple coupling method for enhancing Brillouin scattering signal in perfluorinated Graded-Index polymer optical fiber
Tuesday, September 11 (Georgia Tech Global Learning Center (GLC))
Start End First Name Last Name Affiliation Title of Presentation
9:00 9:20 Jin-Wei Shi National Central University High-Speed (1 Gbit/sec) and high-Temperature operations of GaN Based cyan LEDs for POF communication  – INVITED
9:20 9:40 Sven Loquai POF-AC, University of Applied Sciences High-speed large area optical receivers for next generation 10 Gbit/S data transmission over large-core 1 mm polymer optical fiber  – INVITED
9:40 9:55 Shota Shimazaki Seikei University Multimode connector loss measurement considering DIY(Do It Yourself) installation
9:55 10:10 Toshitaka Torikai Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd. Optical I/O connectors employing ball-point pen type optical collimator lenses suitable for plastic optical fiber communications
10:10 10:30 Coffee Break   
10:30 10:45 Olaf Ziemann POF-AC, University of Applied Sciences POF-based two channel optical rotary joint
10:45 11:00 Igor Ayesta University of the Basque Country Optical spectroscopy of plastic optical fibres doped with luminescent conjugated polymers
11:00 11:15 Ulrich Fischer-Hirchert Harz University of Applied Sciences Characterization of laser modules for four-channel high-speed WDM systems over POFs
11:15 11:30 Mary Hibbs-Brenner Vixar Advances in high speed red VCSEL performance
11:30 12:40 Lunch      
12:40 1:00 Yosuke Mizuno Tokyo Institute of Technology Brilllouin scattering in plastic optical fibers and its sensor applications  – INVITED
1:00 1:20 Olaf Ziemann POF-AC, University of Applied Sciences The use of OTDR for connector loss measurements  - INVITED
1:20 1:35 Hirotsugu Yoshida Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd Characteristics of GI POF based  on a partially chlorinated polymer
1:35 1:50 Jon Arrue University of the Basque Country Influence of the pump characteristics on graded-index and step-index dye-doped POF lasers
1:50 2:10 Coffee Break   
2:10 2:25 Azusa Inoue Keio University Random power transition inmicroscopically heterogeneous plastic optical fibers
2:25 2:45 Joseba Zubia University of the Basque Country Spatial coherence properties of light from POF - INVITED
2:45 3:00 Patrick Decker Georgia Institute of Technology Multilevel modulation of VCSEL based POF links
3:00 3:15 Michihiko Nishigaki Toshiba Corporation Compact 2×20 Gbps bidirectional optical sub-assembly with adapted thin GI50/125 POF ribbon
3:15 3:30 Roman Kruglov POF-AC, University of Applied Sciences Potential of CWDM technology for 10 Gbit/s data transmission over SI-POF
3:30 3:50 Coffee Break   
3:50 4:05 Juri Vinogradov POF-AC, University of Applied Sciences Cyan LED used for Gbit/s data transmission over 50 m large-core polymer optical fiber
4:05 4:20 Sven Loquai POF-AC, University of Applied Sciences Experimental results on 10 Gb/S data transmission over large core 1mm PMMA POF using maximum likelihood sequence estimation
4:20 4:40 Yuji Wantanabe Asahi Glass Co., Ltd HD-3D video transmission over 100m perfluorinated GI-POF
4:40 4:55 Tetsuya Toma Keio University Development of television RF-transmission system over GI-POF to replace microwave coaxial cable
4:55 5:45 Break      
5:45 9:00+ Banquet      
Wednesday, September 12 (Georgia Tech Global Learning Center (GLC))
Start End First Name Last Name Affiliation Title of Presentation
9:15 9:35  Katerina Krebber BAM Federal Institute for Materials Reserach and Testing POF sensors for structural health monitoring – Applications and future demands – INVITED
9:35 9:50 Neisei Hayashi Tokyo Institute of Technology Large strain sensing using brillouin scattering in perfluorinated graded-index polymer optical fiber
9:50 10:05 Kentaro Go University of Yamanashi Object shape and touch sensing on ir-based multi-touch surfaces
10:05 10:20 Marcelo Werneck COPPE-Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Development and field tests of an LED/POF-based leakage current sensor industrial prototype for 13.8 kV distribution lines
10:20 10:40 Coffee Break   
10:40 10:55 Jens Witt BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing POF sensors for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
10:55 11:15 Carlos Pardo KDPOF KD-PHY1000 IC family: The first Gigabit POF standard implementation - INVITED
11:15 11:30 Philipp Rietzsch Teleconnect GmbH Results of the implementation of the first international POF standard for high bit rate transmission
11:30 11:45 Ulrich Fischer-Hirchert Harz University of Applied Sciences Standardization proposal for spectral grid for VIS WDM applications over SI-POF
11:45 12:00 Closing Remarks